Doing Business In China - An Overview
Do you see people making and saving big money from importing and sourcing from China and want to catch that wave yourself?
Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, business owner, CEO, or purchasing manager, this 90 minute DVD will give you an understanding of Chinese business, and the steps required to pursue your area of interest... be it importing or manufacturing in China. This value packed DVD is in two parts:Part 1: About China and Etiquette - 50 mins
- An overview of China today, from population mix to religion.
- Manners, rituals and etiquette... ignore these at your peril!
- Understanding cultural differences... the Chinese respect even small attempts at understanding
- Formalities in Chinese business... what works here doesn't necessarily work there
- Showing respect, including what gifts to avoid
- What to wear when doing business with the Chinese... careful not to offend!
- The 8 Golden Rules of Doing Business in China... these could change your perspective forever
- 9 Ways to Create Advantage When Dealing With China... learn THE winning strategies for the importing game
Part 2: The ChinaDirect Sourcing Importing Process - 40 mins
Everyone knows that sourcing products from China reduces manufacturing costs, but where do you start?- The 3 Stages of the Importing Process including actual case studies
- Research & Tender... choosing the right supplier in the first place makes life a whole lot easier down the road
- Sampling... how many suppliers should you get samples from?
- Purchase Order Negotiation... Learn strategies for successful negotiations with China
- Production Phase... this is no time to take your eye off the ball!
- Product Inspection Options... identify problems BEFORE they ship to you
- Delivery... wait and pray or manage it properly and wait and know!
- Calculating Your Landed Cost... there's more to this than you may imagine!
- Financing Your Project... discover the people/organizations willing to invest in you
Who will benefit from this DVD?
Innovators, entrepreneurs, business owners or purchasing managers who are:- Dealing with manufacturing a product locally but finding the cost is too high to stay competitive
- Under pressure to reduce manufacturing costs
- Launching a new product and need the best go-to-market price point in order to box out possible competitors
- Thinking of pursuing China for manufacturing but unsure where to start
- Need to understand the pitfalls and obtain practical tips to manage the risks of dealing with China
Are you looking to start, keep alive or expand your business in today's economic climate and see China as a solution to make that happen?

Lindy Chen
Author of Importing From China
and Award winning Business Woman
Lindy Chen, Managing Director of award-winning ChinaDirect Sourcing and author of 'Import From China', has worked for multi-national companies and started a management consultancy firm in China and has also lectured in international trade. With a mission of "making their clients prosperous and globally competitive", Lindy started ChinaDirect, assisting companies' business dealings with China and helping them to grow and expand.
Originally from China, Lindy has been a resident in Australia for eight years. She is fluent in English and Chinese and has a natural ability to connect people from diverse backgrounds. Lindy is a creative and dynamic business facilitator blending the best from the East and West. Her refreshing personality, excellent communication and interpersonal skills enable her to build trust and confidence with people and organizations. Her professionalism and passion for getting things done has gained her a good reputation both in China and around the globe.
Triton Foundation Manager, Helen Baker says why she chooses Lindy Chen above the dozens of other Chinese brokers:
- Most people purport to have contacts in China but these turn out to be three layers deep - that is, they are using Hong Kong brokers.
So by the time you get a quote, two even three other people in the chain have put their mark-up on which makes the deal unworkable.
Lindy employs her own team working just for her on the ground - no middlemen.
- Other brokers are non-Chinese who have done a few business trips, made some contacts and are trying to deal with the cultural complexities -
but really start from behind the eight ball. Lindy is Chinese and therefore understands the cultural factors that are imperative for success.
- I am so impressed with Lindy's professionalism and passion. Lindy has a system, a business process created strictly for the benefit of developing business needs in and from China. Lindy's process helps customers understand exactly what they get for their money.
Everyone knows that sourcing products from China reduces costs, but where do you start (... and does it have to be difficult)?
So many small businesses would like to take advantage of using Chinese suppliers but don't know where to start, or are lost in a cross-cultural communication breakdown.Before selecting the optimum supplier, obtain the relevant knowledge and learn what to look for.
If you want to reduce your costs and become more competitive in your market, then it's time to get "China-savvy", get your hands on this DVD and start making progress towards your goals.
If you want to reduce your costs and become more competitive in your market, then it's time to get "China-savvy", get your hands on this DVD and start making progress towards your goals.
All this for only $47.00 AUD

Don't take the slow boat to China when sourcing suppliers & products!
Whether you're on the verge of launching a new product, or you are under pressure to reduce current manufacturing costs, it would be timely for you to make the leap to China. But where does it all begin?Learning how to deal with individuals from other countries can be complicated and frustrating. No matter what stage you're in in the importing process, use this DVD to help take you business relationship towards becoming a trusting, workable relationship. It is critical to be aware of Chinese customs and expectations, on both a business and personal level, to develop the respect necessary for a successful business relationship. Doing business with China can be particularly challenging if you are not prepared to deal with the differences in cultures and values.
Huge profits can be made doing business with China!
This DVD is a practical introduction to the intricacies of dealing with China that many are already taking advantage of. It is designed for business owners, managers and entrepreneurs who would like to become more innovative and profitable.Three reasons why Lindy Chen is a master importer:
- Lindy is Chinese born and raised, and therefore understands the cultural factors required for successful business liaisons with the Chinese.
- She runs a multi award-winning company which sources Chinese suppliers, and employs her own team on the ground, working just for her - no middlemen.
- She has worked for numerous Western and Chinese multi-national companies and has a natural ability to connect people from diverse backgrounds.
"Having actually been burnt a couple of times when dealing directly with China in the past, we know the dangers. Using Lindy Chen's system dramatically
reduces this risk. From her experience, sound honest advice, clearer communication, and access to a well established Chinese network - the benefits
more than cover the cost."
Mike O'Hagan, Founder & Owner, MiniMovers
Mike O'Hagan, Founder & Owner, MiniMovers
"Lindy Chen has carried out many different projects, all of which were completed on or before time and many times at a much lower cost than originally estimated.
Lindy secured a fully imported price of nearly 80% less than could be achieved here. I was amazed. Even better is the quality is exactly the same...
of equal importance to cost is reliability, communication and technical understanding. In regard to these, ChinaDirect is excellent.
Everything is always explained clearly, at every stage you know what to expect."
Rohan 0'Reilly, CEO, Alternative Foods Company Pty Ltd
Rohan 0'Reilly, CEO, Alternative Foods Company Pty Ltd
Don't get your fingers burnt trying a shotgun approach in China!
You will benefit from this DVD if you are:- Starting a new business and looking to beat the competition in price
- Under pressure to reduce manufacturing costs
- Looking for new product innovations and industry ideas
Expect fun learning and insights that will change the way you do business with the Chinese. The opportunity you have in front of you is massive! Get empowered and great strategies from an expert who has "been there done that" with over 400 successful import projects. With this DVD, importing from China doesn't have to be hard - start learning now and get into action in getting to your goals!
If you have any questions email me at [email protected] and I will get back to you with an answer.