Business owners and entrepreneurs ready to take their businesses to the next level:
Build strong, productive relationships with your suppliers using straightforward, easy-to-understand Purchase Order Agreements, every time you place an order.
Doing business with China can be very rewarding - if it's done right. It can also be very risky. Diving in without the safeguard of having a proper Purchase Order Agreement in place can be like standing too close to a fire … you might get burnt!
Of course, spending thousands of dollars on solicitors' fees to write up your Agreements for you can take the sparkle off your business' bottom line and you may be tempted to take the risk.
Unfortunately, taking the risk also means wearing the consequences and you may find yourself unprotected if things go ‘pear-shaped'.
Thankfully, and for the first time ever, ChinaDirect are making available the Agreements that we've used to successfully import from over 100 suppliers.
We supply the Agreements in both Word document format (for easy editing), and PDF format, so you've always got the original template.
And, by investing once in our Agreements they are yours to keep and use over and over again.
Use the Purchase Order Agreement when you've...
- found a supplier
- are satisfied they're reputable
- received a sample to your satisfaction,
...and you're ready to negotiate the terms and conditions of the supply arrangement.
But don't wait until this stage to own a Purchase Order Template Agreement template.
The ChinaDirect Purchase Order Agreement is tried and proven to greatly improve the chances of getting the correct product delivered to the right location, on time, and at the agreed price.
It includes clauses for Quality Control Procedures, Terms of Payment, Moulds Ownership, Packaging Requirements and penalties for Quality Issues and Delivery Delays, amongst others.
And the clauses within this Purchase Order Agreement are completely applicable to all countries. So, whether you're in Australia, USA, UK or anywhere else, you can secure your dealings with China using this Agreement.
Did you get that part? This Agreement will work from anywhere. It doesn't matter if you're in the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, Europe, anywhere - this Purchase Order Agreement works.
To purchase an agreement like this could set you back thousands of dollars in solicitors' fees - if you could find a lawyer specialized in International Trade with China.
The ChinaDirect Purchase Order Agreement is only $697 AUD, and includes:
- Bonus version in Chinese and English to reduce the chances of misunderstandings
- Bonus covering letter template instructing your supplier how to complete the Purchase Order.
But the real value lies in the costly pitfalls it will help you avoid.
In fact, most suppliers prefer loose arrangements, because it minimises their risk and liability. We recommend minimising your risk by investing in a legally binding Purchase Order Agreement.
Our easy-to-understand Purchase Order Agreements will:
- help build long lasting, steadfast relationships with your suppliers
- allow your suppliers to understand exactly what you expect from them
- protect your interests should the supply process break down
- show you to be a proactive and straightforward business person
- communicate to your suppliers what they can expect from you.
Remember, when you purchase the ‘English Only' version, we will include the following bonuses:
- ‘Chinese & English' version for extra protection and reduce the chances of misunderstandings with your Chinese supplier.
- Cover letter that you'll use when sending your Purchase Order to the supplier, instructing the supplier how to complete the Purchase Order.
Don't Delay!
Order your Purchase Order Agreement so you can build stronger relationships with your suppliers and safeguard your business.
Click the button below to order your copy of the
Purchase Order Agreement.
Own the template now for only $697 AUD

Remember, if you want to import products from China successfully you HAVE to get your hands on this Purchase Order Agreement.
Do business with China the right way and profit!
If you have any questions email me at [email protected] and I will get back to you with an answer.